Friday, August 15, 2014


Summer is coming to an end and the excitement of a new school year is beginning! I hope everyone had an amazing summer filled with many memories spent with family and friends. I am very excited about this upcoming school year and hope you are too. 

This will be my 2nd year teaching at Gonzales I.S.D.. I taught previously in Weatherford I.S.D. which is located on the outside of Fort Worth. This will be my 11th year teaching. I have taught kindergarten for 7 years, 1st grade for 2 years, 2nd grade for a year, and will be teaching 3rd grade dual language this year. I am very excited about this new chapter in my life! I look forward to the  opportunity to inspire, teach, and challenge each of my students. I hope you visit  my blog weekly to see the fun and exciting adventures we are having in 3rd grade. 



7:45-8:15 BLC (Bilingual learning centers) = 30 min.
8:15-8:45 Guided Reading = 30 minutes
8:45-9:45 ELA = 1 hour
9:48-10:33 Conference
10:40- 11:40 Math, Science, SS = 1 hour

11:45 Switch classes


11:50-12:20 Guided Reading = 30 minutes
12:20-12:35 Recess
12:35-1:05 Lunch
1:10-2:10 ELA = 1 hour
2:10- 3:10 Math, Science, SS = 1 hour

Switch back to homeroom at 3:15

Dismiss at 3:25

Specials Schedule
(My homeroom only from 9:48-10:33)

Monday: PE
Tuesday: PE
Wednesday: Fine Arts
Thursday: Technology
Friday: PE

Classroom Pictures: 

Our class will need the following supplies that were not on the 3rd grade school supply list.

-Expo Markers
-Clorox Wipes
- Notecards
-Freezer Zip-lock Bags
-Manila Construction Paper

I hope everyone was able to grab a magnet at meet the teacher. It has all my contact information quickly available. If you did not receive one please let me know. I will gladly send one home with your child.